Copicake Blog

Say hi to our PHP library

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Hi everyone, we just released our PHP library today! If you are a PHP lover, you must give it a try in your project!

To make everything simpler, we decided to follow the industry to use Composer to package our library and if you also use it in your project, you can easily find our library on Packagist below:

Check Packagist

For code & documentations, you can also check our official GitHub repository for more information here:

Check GitHub

Even though our PHP library is quite new, you can use it to finish most of the integration works! If you wanna join and help to make the library better, you can check our GitHub repo above and send a PR to us! We’ll appreciate it 😀

That’s all from today’s post and if you have any feedback or questions, feel free to drop us a message through our online contact form

Happy copicaking everyone 😃
